Tom Hall (WSWS) writes of Pete:
Buttigieg was talent-spotted early and has moved in the top circles of the US national security establishment from the time he left college. From 2004 to 2005 (when he was 22 and 23), he worked as a conference director for the Cohen Group, a Washington-based consultancy that advises clients on international investment strategies.
The Cohen Group is headed by former Republican Senator William Cohen, who was secretary of defense under Democratic President Bill Clinton. Its principals, besides Cohen, include Marc Grossman, undersecretary of state for political affairs in the Bush administration and special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan under Obama; retired General Joseph Ralston, who concluded a 37-year Air Force career as chief of the European command and supreme allied commander, Europe; and Nicholas Burns, US ambassador to NATO and Grossman’s successor as undersecretary of state for political affairs under Bush.
This aspect of Buttigieg’s resumé closely resembles that of Barack Obama, who worked for CIA-connected Business International at age 21-22, making connections within the national security apparatus that stood him in good stead during his meteoric political rise.
From 2007 to 2010, the year before his first mayoral campaign, Buttigieg served as a consultant at McKinsey & Company, an international consulting firm with revenues of over $10 billion.
Media comments suggest that the Democratic Party sees one of the functions of Buttigieg’s campaign as preventing Bernie Sanders from winning the nomination. An opinion piece in the Washington Post headlined “Buttigieg might save the Democratic Party from Sanders,” applauded Buttigieg’s public criticism of Sanders’ occasional use of the word “socialism.” Buttigieg said: “I think of myself as progressive. But I also believe in capitalism, but it has to be democratic capitalism.” The Post author commented: “In many ways, Buttigieg is ideally suited to take on Sanders for the hearts, minds and political survival of the Democratic Party.”
While the Democrats know that Sanders poses no threat to American capitalism, they are determined to prevent social opposition within the working class from finding even a distorted reflection in their general election campaign, as in 2016, when the DNC attempted to sabotage Sanders’ primary campaign.
And let me strongly recommend you read Ava and C.I.'s "TV: R-e-s-p-o-n-s-i-b-i-l-i-t-y" which covers everything.
This is C.I.'s "Iraq snapshot" for Monday:
Monday, July 15, 2019. Joe Biden tries a new excuse for his selling of
the Iraq War "I'm actually dumber than the Village Idiot," and much
Let's start with Senator Tammy Duckworth.
Let's start with Senator Tammy Duckworth.
It’s a national tragedy when our troops have to worry if their families will have enough to eat & their kids will go to bed hungry.
I’m glad @TODAYshow highlighted this critical issue + the legislation @RepSusanDavis & I introduced to prevent military families from going hungry.
Really, Tammy? That's where you draw the line for children? If their parents are serving? So it's not a national tragedy when an American child doesn't have enough to eat or they go to bed hungry if their parents are in the US military?
That's part of the nonsense that has built up since 9/11 as each person tries to make it clear that they support the military even more than the other person does.
It's crap.
Every American child should be fed -- regardless of their parents job. No child in this country should go to bed hungry.
And if Tammy's unable to embrace all of America's children, here's something she might want to consider: You don't know which of these children will later end up in the military. Oh, my goodness, Tammy, you might, right now at this minute, be spitting on future troops!
Again, there's no excuse for any American child -- or any child in America -- to go hungry. There's no excuse for it. That's it.
It's like our homeless problem. It exists and it goes beyond troops although that's all anyone in Congress wants to focus on. We have a homeless problem in America. It's a serious problem and no one should be homeless.
I'm all for veterans getting what they have been promised and I've long advocated for that here.
But we don't have a two-tier system of citizenship. We are a democracy where every person is supposed to be equal.
So Tammy's decision to fret over hungry children only if their parents are in the military suggest that possibly she should leave the US Congress -- which is supposed to represent We The People -- and move over to a VSO where her concerns might be more appropriately addressed.
The only good thing about the current election cycle is that Tammy didn't throw her hat in the ring. But 25 people are seeing the Democratic Party's presidential nomination. Including? Former Vice President and former US Senator Joe Biden.
The always ridiculous Fred Kaplan of SLATE has drawn chuckles again by insisting that Joe Biden is the only candidate in the race with foreign policy experience when Joe's only foreign policy experience has been promoting and voting for war over and over again.
Joe was not Secretary of State. That was Hillary Clinton and the John Kerry. Joe has no real foreign policy experience to brag of.
Just a reminder: Joe Biden was a leading Democratic voice in favor of war in Iraq, it was he who laid the groundwork for Bush's invasion! We would have no peace if he's our President!
Joe Biden Says He's Ready To Handle The World. He Got Iraq Wrong Three Times. |
#JoeBiden has a long record of being on the wrong side of #history, including his vote in favor of #GeorgeWBush's #Iraq war & support for #ApartheidIsrael's #ethniccleansing of the #indigenous people of #Palestine & pursuit of #genocide in #Gaza; #NoBiden…
As chairmen of the Foreign Relations Committee, Joe Biden relentlessly promoted the Iraq War. A cheerleader for one of the worst foreign policy blunders in U.S. history should not be POTUS. @BernieSanders opposed the war from the beginning. #Bernie2020
\Over the weekend, Joe saw the opportunity to promote his 'expertise' by offering yet another attempt to weasel out of his vote for the Iraq War and his selling of it before it began as well as afterwards.
Joe Biden on his vote for the Iraq war: The "mistake I made was trusting" former President George W. Bush
The "mistake I made was trusting" Bully Boy Bush. That's the best Joe can offer.
It's a lie but if he wants us to believe him, okay, let's play.
Joe wants to be president. But on one of the most important decisions of this century, he got it wrong, he says, because he trusted Bully Boy Bush.
Now the younger among us may not remember but Bully Boy Bush was not seen as the brightest bulb. In fact, he was seen as the Village Idiot.
So Joe's justification currently is that he should be president even though he's so stupid that a Village Idiot managed to trick him.
That doesn't speak well to Joe -- not to his character, not his sense of judgment.
"Status Quo Joe" is the latest nickname the War Hawk's received.
Today, Joe's expected to deliver (as his campaign has whispered all weekend) remarks that will call for ObamaCare to stay and reject Medicare For All.
- David Sirota Retweeted
A reminder that opponents of Medicare for All are trying to preserve, protect and defend a system that produces this

Various fakes and phonies -- hey, Clara Jeffrey, we're looking at you -- insist that everything needs to be cute and cuddly. Their "Hey, guys, we have to defeat Trump" is a lot like the spirit bunny speech Kelli Maroney's Cindy gave in FAST TIMES AT RIDGEMONT HIGH.
This isn't a game.
We have children going hungry in this country. We have homeless people in every state. We have never-ending wars. Medicare For All is a basic right. ObamaCare was a loser when Mitt Romney first sold it as RomneyCare.
A couple of years ago, Joe Biden was vice president and now he wants to be president but the best he can offer is ObamaCare? Oh and he'll "seek" a public option.
Didn't he and Barack promise a public option while running in the 2008 general election? Yes, they did.
Not to seek it, they promised to provide it.
Eleven years later, Weak Ass Joe can't even promise that. He can only promise to "seek" it.
It's the vision thing -- he has none.
In the intensifying debate over Medicare for All, I don't think there's been enough focus on the fact that the very *first* thing Joe Biden did to launch his presidential campaign was hold a fundraiser with the CEO of a giant health insurance company.…
Again, to those clutching the pearls and insisting we all be genteel, this isn't pie in the sky. This is about the country's future and -- sorry, Joe -- our future isn't our past.
As Joe makes an idiot of himself over healthcare, he can take comfort in the fact that it may distract from yet another lie of his being exposed.
NEW: Biden's opposition to busing was far more sweeping than he has led voters to believe. @asteadwesley and I took a deep dive into his record. He fought the court that forced Wilmington schools to desegregate.
"We want to end court-ordered busing."
From Astead W. Herndon and Sheryl Gay Stolberg's report:
In the two weeks since Senator Kamala Harris of California, a rival for the nomination, invoked her own story of being bused to school to forcefully challenge Mr. Biden during the first Democratic presidential debates — and on the heels of criticism of his work with segregationists on crime legislation — Mr. Biden’s standing has dropped among the Democratic electorate, and his status as the race’s early front-runner is freshly threatened as his polling lead among black voters softens.
[. . .]
Mr. Biden has said that his record on school desegregation has been misrepresented, and he maintains that he supported busing as a remedy for the intentionally discriminatory policies that kept white and black students in separate schools in the South — a position his campaign spokesman, Andrew Bates, reaffirmed on Sunday in a statement to The Times. But a review of hundreds of pages of congressional records, as well as interviews with education experts and Biden contemporaries in Wilmington and Washington, suggests that his opposition to busing was far more sweeping than he has led voters to believe.
“I don’t know whether he’s just reconstructed this history in his own
mind, but he’s factually untruthful, that’s for sure,” said Gary Orfield, a California professor who has written extensively about school desegregation, including in Wilmington, and who testified before Mr. Biden in 1981.
He said that for politicians like Mr. Biden, the busing question was “a
real test of conscience and courage. I think he failed.”
Mr. Biden also, more than any other Northern Democrat, adopted the
language of conservatives on the issue, using terms like “forced busing”
when his fellow liberals would emphasize desegregation, not
transportation. Civil rights advocates note that students had, of
course, been riding buses to school for decades; opponents of
court-ordered busing never raised a ruckus when black children were
forced to ride buses miles away from their homes to attend
“colored-only” schools.
“I oppose busing,” Mr. Biden said in a lengthy television interviewentered into the Congressional Record in 1975. “It’s an asinine concept, the utility of which has never been proven to me.”
From 1975 until 1982, Mr. Biden — often in partnership with his fellow Delawarean, Senator William Roth, a Republican — promoted nearly a dozen pieces of legislation aimed at placing strict limits on the authority of federal agencies and the courts to
mandate busing to achieve racial integration in schools. At a time when
busing controversies were provoking racial unrest in cities like
Boston, Mr. Biden argued that housing integration — which would take
much longer to implement than a busing plan — was a far better way to
desegregate public schools.
“The new integration plans being offered are really just
quota-systems to assure a certain number of blacks, Chicanos, or
whatever in each school,” Mr. Biden told the television interviewer.
Repeating, this election is about real issues. And the notion that anyone should have to hold anything back about Joe Biden after he's had two weeks of using surrogates -- even his own wife -- to attack Kamala Harris? No, the gloves need to be off and Joe needs to stop hiding behind women's skirts.
The never-ending wars continue -- despite Joe refusing to even mention Iraq in his 'major foreign policy address' last week. These aren't games. People are dying. If you don't care about the people of Iraq and Afghanistan who continue to die, maybe you can care that another American has died in these forever wars?
Search results
This is Sgt. Maj. James G. Sartor. He was killed by small-arms fire in Afghanistan on Saturday, July 13 while deployed with 10th Special Forces Group.
Between Iraq and Afghanistan, Sartor was deployed in 2002, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2017 and 2019.
We'll note this.
Iraq denies arrival of new batch of U.S. soldiers at military base
So Iraq's government is denying the rumor that more US troops are present. Are they? A working press might actually explore that.
They might also rebuke those Iraqi officials who've repeatedly sold the lie that residents of Mosul have willing returned in large numbers and that rebuilding is taking place.
No, it's really not.
#Iraq That’s why for 2 years nothing has been done to help Old #Mosul ‘s residents to rebuild their homes & businesses. The Governor and unidentified investors want to create a "new city" with gleaming high rises, and large supermarket & restaurant chains…
Let's wind down with this reality.
Iraq's penal code allows husbands to 'discipline their wives', and there is currently no law criminalising domestic violence
Before Joe sold and supported the war on Iraq, Iraqi women had more legal rights than women in any other Middle Eastern country. Thanks to Joe, that's no longer true. This despite all the money US taxpayers has provided Iraq (and its corrupt rulers).
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- Truest statement of the week
- Truest statement of the week II
- A note to our readers
- Editorial: Why do only some opinions matter to the...
- TV: R-e-s-p-o-n-s-i-b-i-l-i-t-y
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- Ty's Corner
- Poor Clara, even toys confuse her
- He's always a liar to us
- Endorsement of the week
- This edition's playlist
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- Power Up Green 2019 Green Party Annual Meeting
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