Isaiah's THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS "Next Round of Debates" went up Sunday. Today on NPR's Morning Edition:
Many people think that once you have Type 2 diabetes, you are stuck with it. But with enough weight loss and exercise, people can get their blood sugar levels back down in the normal range. Research shows people need a lot of help to do that. Blake Farmer of our member station WPLN in Nashville visited a rural community in Tennessee.
BLAKE FARMER, BYLINE: A few years ago, as Wendy Norris turned 40, her feet started going numb. She thought it was from standing all day with her job at a nursing home.
WENDY NORRIS: But it wasn't. It was that neuropathy where my sugar was high, and I didn't know it.
FARMER: She had developed Type 2 diabetes, which runs in her family. It didn't help that her diet was overloaded with sodas, sweets and frozen dinners. So her doctor put her on insulin shots and told her to watch what she ate.
NORRIS: Well, you're sitting there thinking, well, what does that mean?
FARMER: Her doctor just kept upping her insulin to manage her spiking blood sugar. But then she lost her insurance. The insulin was costing hundreds of dollars a month she didn't have. At a nonprofit clinic, she was introduced to what seemed a radical idea - reversing her diagnosis altogether.
KAREN WICKHAM: This is lentil stew. What we're doing is introducing the people to high-fiber foods.
FARMER: Karen Wickham ladles out soup in an old church parsonage as participants arrive. She and her husband, Steve, are a couple of white-haired, semi-retired nurses. They travel around giving these six-week seminars, and they go deep, explaining the difference between sucrose and glucose and why white potatoes are more likely to spike blood sugar than sweet potatoes. They preach eating as much fiber as a stomach can stand and squeezing in light activity throughout the day. The Wickhams test blood sugar levels to track progress, and some see early results.
STEVE WICKHAM: Her blood sugar's going down. Give her a hand.
FARMER: If it sounds like a revival meeting, it kind of is. Steve and Karen Wickham are compelled by their Christian faith as Seventh-day Adventists, a denomination known for a focus on health.
S WICKHAM: I think God holds us responsible for living in the middle of this people and doing nothing.
FARMER: They moved to Grundy County, Tenn., and built their dream home but were disturbed by the illness around them. This scenic region has some of the shortest life expectancy in the nation and a sky-high rate of Type 2 diabetes. Karen Wickham says she's seen how bad it can get - blindness, kidney failure and even amputations.
K WICKHAM: When they get that diagnosis of diabetes, you expect this is what's going to happen to them until they finally pass away.
I am not recommending anyone go off insulin. If you're diabetic or what some diagnose as "pre-diabetic," you might try increasing your fiber intake and seeing if that has any positive effect.
This is C.I.'s "Iraq snapshot" for Monday:
Monday, July 22, 2019. The past continues to rebuke Joe Biden.
Next week, the Democratic Party holds their second round of debates for their presidential candidates (on July 30th and July 31st). Right now, one of the 20 who made the cut seems determined to embarrass himself.
Yes, we're talking about War Hawk Joe. Status quo Joe. He voted for the Iraq War. He sold the Iraq War before and after it started. He wants to talk about Iraq . . . provided he can start the conversation after he's Vice President (2009) and end it at the end of 2011. Salvador Rizzo (WASHINGTON POST) fact checks Joe on his Iraq withdrawal claims and comments:
Two Pinocchios. Liar, liar pants on fire. The Iraq War never ended.
Next week, the Democratic Party holds their second round of debates for their presidential candidates (on July 30th and July 31st). Right now, one of the 20 who made the cut seems determined to embarrass himself.
Yes, we're talking about War Hawk Joe. Status quo Joe. He voted for the Iraq War. He sold the Iraq War before and after it started. He wants to talk about Iraq . . . provided he can start the conversation after he's Vice President (2009) and end it at the end of 2011. Salvador Rizzo (WASHINGTON POST) fact checks Joe on his Iraq withdrawal claims and comments:
Although Bush set the 2011 withdrawal time frame,
the Obama administration had to figure out the logistics and details,
and much of that work fell to Biden and his committee. The drawdown
proceeded in phases, with U.S. forces dropping from 150,000 to 50,000 to
almost zero during Obama’s first term.
the United States kept several thousand military contractors in Iraq
throughout this time and after 2011. And although Obama promised to end
the Iraq War as a candidate, there were bumps along the road that
complicate Biden’s neatly wrapped-up story.
Before withdrawing forces in 2011, Obama’s
administration tried to persuade Iraqi political leaders to allow a
residual force of about 3,500 U.S. troops to remain. Some high-level
officials in the Obama administration argued that a total withdrawal
would open up a power vacuum in Iraq and erase the gains secured by U.S.
forces and international allies.
“It was clear
to me — and many others — that withdrawing all our forces would
endanger the fragile stability then barely holding Iraq together,” Leon
Panetta, who was Obama’s CIA director from 2009 to 2011 and defense
secretary from 2011 to 2013, wrote in his memoir, “Worthy Fights.”
2011, the United States was seeking legal immunity for U.S. troops as
part of an agreement for a continued military presence in Iraq. But
there was no support in the Iraqi parliament for that, Biden’s advisers
[. . .]
Biden had a big hand in withdrawing U.S. forces
from Iraq during Obama’s first term. It was a sensitive role and one
Biden relished, by many accounts. But he was still the vice president
during Obama’s second term, when thousands of U.S. troops returned to
the country. It’s puzzling to see him leave that out of his remarks on
the campaign trail and in the debate.
The Biden
camp argues that these are two very different conflicts and that the
troop levels were much higher pre-2011 and much lower post-2014.
However, as top Obama administration officials have said in public, the
two conflicts are inextricably linked. The Islamic State gained a
foothold in Iraq in large part because U.S. forces had withdrawn.
Biden told half the story, so he gets Two Pinocchios.
Two Pinocchios. Liar, liar pants on fire. The Iraq War never ended.
Joe Biden isn't just wrong on almost every burning contemporary political issue in the United States. He also worked closely with George W. Bush to enthusiastically lead the charge to invade Iraq. jacobinmag.com/2019/07/joe-bi…
Gotta love centrist dems. You literally attack Bernie unprovoked and when you get the slightest push back on your BS you compare ppl to trump lol. Also whats bidens best legislation? Locking up black ppl? Voting against bussing? Voting for the Iraq war or siding with CC companies
I'm Joe Biden, I pushed a healthcare plan contrived by the Heritage Foundation, a right-wing think tank. Vote for me and I'll pass more corporate friendly policies. Iraq War? You got it. NAFTA? Sounds great. Wall Street bailout? No problem! Vote for me, I'm Joe Biden.
The press told you Joe Biden was inevitable and unbeatable. Now he's double digit lead is over and, in some polls. he ahead of Senator Elizabeth Warren by 6% or less. And it's only July. Meaning? Joe will tank further when the fall semester begins. Joe has no youth support. It's like a Young Republican circa 1968, they really don't exist and the few that are around tend to be pointed to and giggled over.
Joe is the past. He offers no vision of the future. He promises you he'll bring back the Obama Era -- the one that refused to do what was needed on climate change? I saw that ridiculous interview with that woman who can no longer sing. She spends 80% of her days in denial, she said, and 20% trying to do something. And she thinks young people should lead because they know how serious the threat to the environment is.
That would be the same threat that existed in 2008. And the singer -- who still had a voice then -- couldn't call out the inaction on climate change from 2009 through the start of 2017. I'm remembering what Mick Jagger called the woman's autobiography -- AND A C**T TO SING WITH -- and starting to really grasp why.
That's the hypocrisy the youth will have to push past. And it doesn't help Joe Biden.
Nothing does.
The reality is that Barack had eight years to do something serious about climate change and he offered meaningless and symbolic actions only.
Joe may have the luxury of returning to that era but neither the US nor the world has that luxury.
Joe normalized the Iraqi government. Is anyone going to question him on that?
This would be the same government that still can't get it together. Human Rights Watch notes today:
Iraqi authorities have failed to ensure for almost 30 years that Basra residents have sufficient safe drinking water, resulting in on-going health concerns, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. The situation culminated in an acute water crisis that sent at least 118,000 people to hospital in 2018 and led to violent protests.
The 128-page report, “Basra is Thirsty: Iraq’s Failure to Manage the Water Crisis,” found that the crisis is a result of complex factors that if left unaddressed will most likely result in future water-borne disease outbreaks and continued economic hardship. The authorities at the local and federal level have done little to address the underlying conditions causing the situation.
“Shortsighted politicians are citing increased rainfall as the reason they do not need to urgently deal with Basra’s persistent crisis,” said Lama Fakih, acting Middle East director at Human Rights Watch. “But Basra will continue to face acute water shortages and pollution crises in the coming years, with serious consequences, if the government doesn’t invest now in targeted, long-term, and badly needed improvements.”
Human Rights Watch interviewed 58 Basra residents, workers at private and public water facilities, and healthcare professionals, and reviewed water sample tests from the Shatt al-Arab river, treatment plants, and taps in homes. Human Rights Watch also interviewed representatives from Basra’s provincial council, governor’s office, and the Ministries of Water Resources, Municipalities and Public Works’ water and sewage departments, Health and Environment, and Agriculture, and analyzed academic and public health data and over 20 years of scientific and commercial satellite imagery of the region to substantiate many of the findings.
Basra’s primary water sources are the Shatt al-Arab river and its freshwater canals. Human Rights Watch found that Iraqi authorities have failed to properly manage and regulate Iraq’s water resources, depriving people in southern Iraq’s Basra governorate – four million people – of their right to safe drinking water for decades, including during the period of occupation by the US- and UK-led Coalition Provisional Authority. But multiple government failures since the 1980s, including poor management of upstream water sources, inadequate regulation of pollution and sewage, and chronic neglect and mismanagement of water infrastructure, have caused the quality of these waterways to deteriorate.
To cope with water pollution and shortages, Basra residents have had to rely on purchasing water. The high cost, especially during the crisis, falls hardest on poorer residents, and makes them particularly vulnerable to exposure to unsafe tap water.
There is no progress in Iraq. ISIS is back on the rise as well.
Joe Biden is a part of that history. He is not the path to a future the US needs -- or one that the world can afford.
Isaiah's THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS "Next Round of Debates" went up yesterday. New content at THIRD:
- Truest statement of the week
- Truest statement of the week II
- A note to our readers
- Editorial: Have you heard latest reason they insis...
- TV: VERONICA MARS returns so that America can ask ...
- The Men
- Top 10 fruits and vegetables of summer
- From The TESR Test Kitchen
- The July Debates
- Tweet of the week
- This edition's playlist
- Green Party of New York demands justice for Eric G...
- Senator Murray’s Statement on Trump Administration...
- Some Tweets from the Green Party