That's Isaiah's latest THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS "MAGA Confused."
Ginger notes a video recipe for three Thanksgiving sides -- "Sides make Thanksgiving," she insists.
Rayah Calkins and her fiancee, Lillian Glover, were counting on the Centralia, Washington, restaurant JJ’s To Go to cater the lesbian women’s wedding to each other, as they told it to the local news outlet King. After a month of discussions over social media, Calkins and Glover met with the owner of JJ’s To Go, Jessica Britton, on Saturday to finalize arrangements. But Calkins and Glover said that Britton backed out of catering the pair’s wedding after learning that they were lesbians.
It was “a shock to me”, Calkins remarked to KING. “We’ve never received that blatant discrimination to our face.
As King prepared a statement about Britton’s treatment of the couple, she told the station that she believed a wedding was a “religious act between a man and a woman” – so she could not “participate” in Calkins and Glover’s wedding.
JJ’s To Go also published a statement on social media claiming to apologize to Calkins and Glover “for any inconvenience this has caused”.
This is C.I.'s "Iraq snapshot" for Thursday:
Thursday, November 7, 2024. In the aftermath of Trump being re-elected, some Karens e-mail to explain the real horror is that Black people are expressing their outrage. Keep it all about you, Karens, keep it all about you, every day, every year.
Olayemi Olurin is an important voice. There are a lot of drive-bys to the public account. None are echoed by the private e-mail account for community members. And that probably goes to the fact that community members aren't drive-bys. Community members have been for years now. They get it. It's these drive-bys who happened by that don't get it.
Olay didn't say anything wrong above.
After "Like Natalie Cole said . . . (Ava and C.I.)" went up yesterday, the following posted:
And the drive-bys whining are insisting this and that. What it boils down to is 'a war on White people.' Whine on you butt-hurt losers. There are at least two Whie people in the above. IHIP is two Whire women, Lawrence O'Donnell is a White man.
Yes, there are a large number of Black people in what was posted yesterday.
If you're so shocked by what's in that videos, stop complaining to me. I don't live in your token world. I've never pretended to and I've never wanted to amplify that. But mainly, grasp that if what the people saying in the above videos leaves you butt hurt, the people speaking are not your problem. They were never your problem.
Your problem was a garbage media which shelted you from reality. Again, I'm talking about the left media. The beggar media. Panhandle Media. If the people that went up yesterday and this morning shocked you, what they were saying, that's an indictment of DEMOCRACY NOW!, THE NATION, IN THESE TIMES, THE PROGRESSIVE, etc.
About half of the butt hurt whiners boring the public account are also whining about what mean things are being said about White people in the videos.
I am responsible for what I say. The attacks you're needing to feel better about yourself aren't coming from me.
If Tabitha, for example, said something in her video that hurt you? Grow the hell up. When an election did not go Marcia's way and it hurt her deeply, she would ask me if she was going too far? I'd tell her that it was her site, that she was right to feel what she was feeling and she should write what was real to her. I didn't get at first that she was asking to see if I was going to critique her or disagree with her? When I got that, I told her no. And I meant it. What she was feeling? People needed to hear. And what Tabitha or anyone else in a video that goes up here says, people need to hear.
The butt-hurt are all pissy.
And that's what happenes when you're stupid and uninformed.
I don't know why you're coming to me thinking I'm going to feel sorry for you.
I get it, your media failed you. I was looking at comments yesterday attacking Juan Gonzalez for noting the very real racism and sexism at play in this election and I thought how very sad. Maybe if Juan had been on more on DEMOCRACY NOW! or if Amy didn't fix her coverage the way she did, you idiots wouldn't be so shocked at reality today.
Tabitha of TABITHA SPEAKS wasn't invited on DEMOCRACY NOW!. THE PROGRESSIVE, THE NATION, IN THESE TIMES, et al? They didn't interview her.
But Tabitha represented many people across the country.
Today's butt-hurt are shocked by her sentiments. You're only shocked because you're media failed you. There were real issues at stake here -- stream Olay's video at the top -- and there were real people who would be left at risk.
But they weren't given seats at the media table -- again, I'm focused on panhandle media, not corporate media. So, butt-hurt, you didn't hear their arguments until now.
One of you, at least, is being educated finally. A White woman who voted for Jill Stein is dismayed by the videos that posted here yesterday and says she would not vote for Jill now. Good. I'm glad you see the damage that was done. I wish you'd seen it before hand. When it could have made a difference.
I get that your media failed you -- the e-mailer notes that she checked out DEMOCRACY NOW! several times a week and was always visiting THE PROGRESSIVE's website.
You were misled. I get it. I also get that, if you voted, you're an adult and you need to take some responsibility for the decisions and choices you make.
In August, September and October (she early voted), you should have noticed what was going on. You should have noticed that THE PROGRESSIVE -- a rag that found a way to sell and promote every Democratic Party presidential nominee in the past -- was now slamming Kamala and had nothing -- not one column -- praising her. You should have noticed that.
Your stupidity was on full display.
Ava and I spoke for months -- July, August, September, October on through November 4th -- to groups and groups of people. Black women got it immediately. We didn't have to bring it up anytime we spoke to Black women. They were already noting the bias. But so did others. So did Latinas, so did White women, so did some White men.
And we weren't just speaking and then dropping the subject. We wrote about it at THIRD and I wrote about it here -- over and over. I called out COMMON DREAMS. To their credit, they did do a course correction. I didn't see that from any other outlet.
The media -- big and small -- runs in packs. So one outlet does it and the others ape the earlier one. So my hope, when calling out COMMON DREAMS and the others, was that they'd take a look at it and address it. COMMON DREAMS is the only one that did
I love COUNTERPUNCH. I've not noted them once since Kamala got in the race.
Why? Because I expected them to do what they do and I knew it wouldn't please me nor would it help voting. I didn't attack for what they did. They were being true to themselves and we'll go back to noting them -- maybe even this Friday.
But the others? THE NATION wasn't doing what it usually does, THE PROGRESSIVE wasn't doing what it usually does, IN THESE . . .
Some of the drive-bys have read one or two things here and think that I'm objecting to criticques and analsysis. No, I'm objecting to left wing outlets working to elect Donald Trump.
THE NATION only survives on big dollar donations and we don't give it to that rag so that they can attack a Black woman or so that they can elect a fascist.
A whiner -- who was one of the writers of THE NATION's editorial against Kamala Harris -- AGAINST -- says that young people need to be heard and blah blah blah.
I'd loved your e-mail. It confirmed everything I suspected about you and made me feel good about the fact that I'd already started the black balling of you and your cohorts. I hope that editorial feels good as you try to get a real job in media. Better stick to beggar media because I've made your name trash in corporate media already.
I have no problem with young writers and we go out of our way to celebrate them here. But you're not a writer, you're an intern and you used THE NATION to trash Kamala. The abolitionist magazine with is long and glorious history (that Katrina has destroyed) to attack Kamala.
You smug little entitled bastards who will turn around and insist upon reparations -- as long it doesn't come out of your pockets -- used an abolitionist magazine to attack a Black woman and promote a racist.
I don't think you've realized how far from grace you've strayed.
The women and men that so shocked you in videos yesterday? They shocked you because you were hearing for the first time what you should have been hearing all along.
But in your media bubble, you couldn't grasp reality.
As beggar media worked day after day to suppress the vote for Kamala, to lie that there was no enthusiasm for her, you sat there and took it.
I don't have sympathy for you. Your choices have harmed the country. And this wasn't a child watching SESAME STREET. You were grown adults who should have been able to see the double standard imposed upon Kamala.
Yesterday, Linda Sewer was on DEMOCRACY NOW! to air more of her stupidity and to do everything but take responsibility. Linda Sewer (and that's the name she's earned) is going around doing speaking gigs with convicted pedophile Scott Ritter.
Grasp that.
Grasp that DEMOCRACY NOW! was not interested in people who were enthusiastic about Kamala Harris. But Linda Sewer, garbage queen, is the guest Amy Goodman wants to bring on.
Gaza Freaks. They're not helping the Palestinians but how they try to pretend to speak for them. Like the Mayor of Homophobe Michigan that DEMOCRACY NOW! had on Monday. He couldn't endorse Kamala. He wouldn't. But don't worry, he speaks for the Palestinians!
What do you know, the Gaza Freaks who appointed themselves the American speakers for Palestinians in Gaza, didn't know what the hell they were talking about.
Big surprise. They never do. It's the same repugnant crowd that never accomplishes anything as they skip from issue to issue based on where the media attention is.
And this is the garbage that Amy Goodman and others platformed.
Olay's an immigrant. You didn't get them on your beggar platforms.
But they're hugely impacted by this vote. Somehow, for all the claims of going to where the silences are, Amy Goodman couldn't be bothered.
She could and did promote Jill Stein. Constantly. She could and did platform attacks on Kamala and we were supposed to be grateful when she brought on the White woman Naomi Klein -- an American despite being born in Canada years after her father fled the US military -- to say 'hold your nose and vote for Kamala.'
Naomi, shut the f**k up. No one needs a deserter's child telling them how to vote in their own country. But we especially don't need your nonsense 'hold your nose' endorsement.
It didn't build enthusiasm and it was stupid beyond belief.
You claim to care about the climate crisis. But, hey, you claimed about Iraq once upon a time too. You left that issue -- woah, you DESERTED that issue. Guess it runs in the family.
This is the woman, please remember, who wrote a column about Barack Obama's 2008 win where she put thoughts into Black people's heads. She could have crossed the street and asked them what they thought. But instead, as though they were animals in a zoo, she observed them from a distance, unable to hear them, but then wrote a column about what they were thinking.
Do you not get how racist that is?
Go read Betty's "Open letter to Naomi Klein."
Across the country, many, many people were excited by Kamala's campaign. But we weren't allowed to be by beggar media. We weren't represented by beggar media. But White Naomi Klein from Canada got a seat at the table, didn't she? Her racist past ignored. Her half-assed endorsement -- hold your nose -- treated as positive Kamala coverage.
It wasn't.
Yesterday, on DEMOCRACY NOW!, they brought on Ralph Nader who wanted to tell the Democrats what they did wrong in his feeble mind.
Over a million and half Iraqis are dead because of Ralph. And those may be the lucky ones. Imagaine being wounded and disabled or birth defects as a result of that war. And he's responsible for that.
But there he was telling us that Kamala did this and she did that. And Amy Goodman never stopped him for one moment -- remember, in 2000 she promoted his campaign non-stop -- to ask him what about the dangers of a Trump presidency or how do you sleep at night knowing how many Iraqis are dead and injured because of you?
Because that is reality. And he won't own it. Just like Naomi Klein will write a racist piece of garbage where she imposes her White thoughts on Black men's brains because she's such a racist that she won't even speak to them -- why bother, she's White Naomi, she knows best, she even knows about what Black men she's not speaking to think. The power of her Whiteness.
And that's what we saw over and over in Beggar Media for the last three months.
That's not reflected by what we saw on the ground. But then beggar media doesn't want to reflect or inform. It wants only to impose. And they'd decided that they didn't want Kamala in the White House.
Go back and read the whines Beggar media produced -- the ones about Kamala not doing this or doing that or needing to do this or needing to do that.
That was never about Kamala. That was about impotent activists wanting to make demands. And when they couldn't get their way, they were fine with tanking the election. They'd rather do that, they'd rather put Donald back into the White House, then help the American people.
Instead of writing your butt-hurt e-mails to me, you need to wake the hell up and to take accountability for what you did. Yes, panhandle media misled you but you're an adult and you're responsible.
Or, be like Ralph Nader, and two decades after Iraq was destroyed because of his actions, pretend otherwise. Lie to yourself like he does.
The Palestinians are screwed. Immigrants are screwed. Black people are screwed. LGBTQ+ people are screwed. Women of all races and sexualities are screwed.
And that's because Beggar Media worked to tank Kamala's campaign and so many of you bought into it. We didn't buy into it here which is why no community member has e-mailed anything as stupid as you butt-hurt drive bys.
Kat's "A few thoughts on Colin Allred's loss" went up last night and she notes Mike's coverage of
Mike's in no mood to comment now on Allred. He told Kat she could cover it and he asked me to cover it. Mike believed in Collin and gave of his own time He went to Texas and spent weeks there going all over the state to campaign for Colin.
And then he left.
He left because Allred attacked transgender people.
As we noted here, Ted Cruz's attacks on transgender kids was actually helping Colin, it's what allowed him to rise in the polls. Ted was getting outrage from Republicans over those commercials. They felt kids was offsides. And Colin stood firm and he rose in the polls. He had a real shot at winning.
Then he attacked trans kids because that was his 'weakness' according to experts.
They never know what they're talking about.
Mike, going door to door in West Texas at the time immediately saw the effect as voters began moving away from Allred because he was suddenly just like any other craven politicians who'd say one thing at one time and something else at the other.
Mike spoke to me about it -- I just listened -- and decided to leave Texas because Allred was going to lose now and because he wasn't going to give his time for a little transphobe.
Mike could have written that. Still hasn't. He bit his tongue for the most part and just moved over to Georgia and Florida.
But that's when Allred lost the race.
And it only got worse for him. Now that Cruz had pushed Allred into this position, they could really attack him and Allred was a weak ass who couldn't respond.
If he hadn't embraced transphobia, he could have been attacking Cruz and Governor Gregg Asshole for their new ads. He could have taped his own commercial stating, "Cruz keeps asking me if I know the difference between girls and boys. But I'm not the one showing girls in commercials and claiming that they were born boys when they weren't. Does Ted know the difference between girls and boys?"
Mike could have trashed Colin. But he didn't do that. He even posted an interview or two that Allred did after Mike had left Texas.
Kamala didn't go back on any position she'd held since becoming the nominee. But beggar media didn't care. They just trashed her nonstop.
That's your problem. They should have been building enthusiasm. Not only did they not do that, they couldn't even treat her fairly.
These voices that have so upset drive-bys? They're voices you should have been hearing all along.
The fact that you didn't is not my problem.
Friday's snapshot wound down with:
The fact that you didn't hear our stories before the election is not on us. You need to take that up with the media you consume. And your discomfort over certain videos? If that's the most uncomfortable you feel over the next four years, consider yourself lucky. A lot of people are not going to be as fortunate.
The following sites updated: