Saturday, May 17, 2008

Contentment in the Kitchen

I'm so sorry for the following recipe.

A heaping dose of action
A huge lump of compassion
Surrounded will strength of will

Mix together and you have the recipe for contentment. Things make not work out the way you want but you'll know you did what you could.

I'm in Puerto Rico with Kat, Elaine, Ava and C.I. and we're doing our part to build excitement for the primary (there's already a ton of excitement) and to help turnout for Hillary. We are not affiliated with the Hillary campaign. We take no orders from the campaign nor any money. (Traveling expense, including the chartered plane, were paid for by Elaine, Ava and C.I. out of their own pockets.) We are all in the remaining primary areas and doing our part because we believe Hillary is the best candidate, we believe she has proposed actual plans (as opposed to empty rhetoric) and because we believe in the Democratic Party.

As the daughter of a man who suffered during McCarthyism for his political views, someone who was ratted out by the type who save their own asses, and someone who refused himself to ever hide who he was in a closet, I really don't care for our Panhandle Media Communists posing as Democrats to push Barack Obama but that's what they've done for over two years now. An unholy alliance put together by the likes of Katrina vanden Heuvel who used her control of monies and boards to 'reward' certain people (that's how Facebook gets on board with Barack) to orchestrate what was played as a 'movement' but was nothing but hype.

Barack Obama is an empty suit. It's the people around him who worry me. Along with other members of the community, I voted in the poll last week and, like everyone else, I stated if Barack got the nomination I would gladly vote for Ralph Nader. An e-mail came in this week whining about John McCain getting the presidency.

If the Democratic Party is stupid enough to nominate Barack, thereby rewarding the orchestrated attempts by closeted Communists to take over the Democratic Party, that's their problem. I don't endorse that, I won't. At least Grace Lee Boggs, for all the nonsense and talk of 'movement' she offered in her endorsement of Barack, didn't pretend to be a Democrat. She's upfront about who she is and I have no beef with her on that. The rest of the crowd, hiding in their closets, pretending they are Democrats and that they've voted Democratic repeatedly, they're liars. Plain and simple. They're liars and they are trying to overtake the Democratic Party because they spent the 90s destroying their own party. Allowing those people's candidate of choice to receive the nomination is not only rewarding them, it's welcoming them to the party and elevating them inside it. If that happens, it is not the Democratic Party.

C.I. pointed out what was happening and I, honestly, wasn't paying attention until the start of this year. I was reading everything C.I. wrote (and enjoying it) but it took my father coming over one December morning to explain what C.I. was saying so kindly and so carefully. My father had pointed out with our own governor (Governor Who), that the campaign wasn't a normal election campaign but one pulling heavily on Communist roots and he had noted similarities (obviously) between Deval's campaign and Barack's. But I wasn't making the connection in terms of the behind the scenes types who were leading the media love for Barack and the attacks on Hillary.

My father, a lifelong Socialist, has had it with most publications supposedly geared to his beliefs because even they have to leap on the bandwagon. But he sat down in my kitchen and explained what was what and what C.I. was saying. I said at the time, "Why doesn't C.I. just say it outright?" My father could clearly see C.I. walking it to the edge and leaving it there. And it was due to McCarthyism. Like most of us, C.I. considers that a shameful part of our history. But Elaine and C.I. had to finally take the plunge into saying what was what because the liars were not just continuing to lie but doing so at louder volumes.

I have a different take on McCarthyism than some because it personally effected my family growing up. I know full well that a number of closeted types saved their own butts by pointing to my father (and Socialism and Communism are not the same thing). McCarthyism was a government witchhunt and, I would argue, the ones who were punished (for no crimes) were the innocent ones and the ones hiding to save their own asses were the guilty along with the government.

Closeted Communists injecting themselves into a Democratic primary and saying or implying that they are Democrats is wrong. It's dishonest, it's trickery. And it's really all that crowd has. It is not "red baiting" (as a closeted Communist insisted to Amy Goodman one day after C.I. wrote the piece explaining the Communist roots of Barack's official campaign blogger) to note these things. If a Republican was attempting to pose as a Democrat and subvert the Democratic primary, they'd deserve to be outed as well. There's no pass for Communists. (And no reason for them to hide their closets -- most young people do not -- other than to trick and lie.)

So having lived through the damage their lies and need to save their own asses from exposure can do, I really have no interest in the closeted. And I certainly have no interest in their commanding the Democratic Party.

If John McCain gets elected, that's something to take up with the DNC, not me. I will not and cannot vote for Barack. He is merely the marionette they prop up. I laughed when Goodman, the "movement" (Communist) child, and the man spoke of "red-baiting" and thought, "I wonder how many others realize they are watching two closeted Communists whine about exposure?" Step out of the closet or butt the hell out of a Democratic primary. It's really that simple.

If you're going to butt in, then people have every right to know that you are not a Democrat. Whether you are Laura Flanders or whomever?

I hadn't realized that Flanders didn't vote for John Kerry. I didn't know anything about her politically (which makes my father laugh) and assumed, having listened to her on Air America Radio in the early morning hours after the 2004 election, listened to her talking about how we would get through this together, she'd voted for John Kerry. C.I. mentioned this week that she hadn't and I asked about that? C.I. e-mailed a copy of her writing about that at The Nation, a thing cleaned up in the current version at The Nation which takes out who she voted for in 2000 and 2004. Neither time did she vote for the Democratic nominee. But today she wants to pretend she's a Democrat and has a right to butt into the Democratic Party and endorse Barack Obama. I had no idea, until my father sketched it out for me, that she and her entire family are Communists, have always been Communists and were part of the propaganda machine during WWII.

And now little Laura wants to play as if she's a Democrat and talk about the 'movement' around Barack. As C.I. long ago noted, if they're talking about the 'movement' around Barack, that's a dead give way that they're a Communist. They had their own little movement, big-moneyed, around Barack and it started in 2006. What you're seeing, the hype, was created as far back as then by the likes of Katty-van-van utilizing funding to to create the echo chamber that exists today. Not a real surprise, considering her father.

Frauds and fakes, they should all be exposed.

So that's among the reasons I'm supporting Hillary Clinton. First and foremost, the preservation of the Democratic Party. If you don't believe it's at stake, read up on the Communist Party in the 1990s as it splintered into various factions. These closeted malcontents destroyed what was left of their own party (young people today -- who are not closeted -- attempt to rebuild it and good for them) and they'll do the same with the Democratic Party. The villification of Hillary by Katty-van-van, Matthew Rothschild, Dave Lindorff, et al was nothing but the first purge/show trial.

So if saving the Democratic Party requires that John McCain get the White House in the fall, I'm more than fine with that. I'll live. Better the Democratic Party should remain standing and remain a party for Democrats.

IVAW co-chair Adam Kokesh was among the veterans testifying to Congress on Thursday. He noted that he learned the greatest threat to the Constitution was not in Falluja but in DC. ABout Falluja, he noted, "Shortly after arriving there there was a check-point shooting to west of our position. A man coming home from the end of work one day did not see the newly in place Humvee -- desert colored against the desert background commanded by men wearing desert camoflage. " His presentation included slides and he had photos of the events he was describing.
One was of a photo he had taken with an Iraqi corpse and a major was present as various service members posed with the corpse. Adam noted, "At the first Winter Soldier in 1971 one of the vets held up a similar photograph and said, 'Don't ever let your government do this to you. Don't ever let your government put you in a position where this attitude towards death and this disregard for human life is acceptable or common'. And yet we are still doing this to service members every day as long as this occupation continues." That observation by Adam, to me, really summed it all up. We know what's happening. Especially people my age, old enough to remember Vietnam on the TV news and not some distorted, manufactured action movie from the Reagan years when revisionary tactics were all the rage.

We know Vietnam was a tragedy, not a war, a slaughter, not a salvation or intended one. It was useless for the US service members (much worse for the Vietnamese) and yet our government continued it year after year. And when that illegal war finally ended, many of us said "Never again" and spoke of lessons learned. But the reality was that most didn't speak. The war ended, people were sick of it in two years, didn't want to talk about it. It was largely the right-wing that continued to talk and, as a result, their revisions and lies and distortions took hold.

That doesn't excuse many of us. We are old enough to remember reality.

But we let it happen. As a country -- I don't care if you were for it or against it on the eve of the war -- we let it happen. And we let it continue, month after month, year after year.

As Adam pointed out, during Vietnam, there were cries of never again but we didn't care or weren't willing to fight hard enough. Maybe it's something (American) people have to go through over and over. (And something those outside of America have to suffer under over and over.) But the illegal war today is not a surprise. It was all predicatable. And, in fairness to those who could not see it at the start but did later on, it is now obvious. Yet it drags on.

I'm looking at C.I.'s notes (C.I. has the entire hearing in short-hand) and believe I'm looking at Vincent Emanule talking about the multiple tours of duty which is another difference, a 'learned' lesson from Vietnam. Keep sending the same ones back over. Over and over. Keep the size small, outsource work to contractors, and you can tap down on some of the public outrage.

To be clear, I'm not part of the idiotic crowd saying, "If only there was a draft." I hear that nonsense from a lot of losers my age and older. A lot of those losers are of the left and males who, in real time, dodged the draft. So that now they want to rip apart one of the few concrete accomplishments the peace movement had (ending the draft) and put many more at risk is just idiotic.

The draft doesn't matter to today. Bully Boy ensured that by turning war into a for-profit business that could be outsourced and contracted out.

By the way, Ruth's not sure what she's going to zoom in on but she also plans to note Adam's testimony. (We've exchanged e-mails. She's in Kentucky with some of the gang. The gang's also in Oregon and South Dakota. We're really trying to do our part.) So be sure to visit her site to see what stands out to her.

This is Howard Wolfson's "HUBdate: Hillary in Oregon" (

Today In Oregon: Hillary hosts a "Solutions for the American Economy" event in Junction City, and participates a town hall hosted by KGW Newschannel 8 in Portland.
Hailing Passage of the Farm Bill: Yesterday, the Senate passed the Farm Bill by an overwhelming vote of 81 to 15. Hillary Clinton responded by saying: "By passing this bill, we have achieved an important step forward for farmers and consumers…Americans will have a real choice this fall - between a candidate who supports rural America and family farms and John McCain, who has threatened to veto this critical legislative priority."
Read more and more.
Momentum in the Bluegrass State: As a sign of growing momentum in the state, the Clinton campaign announced its Kentucky Steering Committee, which is comprised of more than 100 former and current federal, state, and local elected officials that have endorsed Hillary. Read more.
Standing Up For Montana Families: Kalispell, MT Mayor Pam Kennedy endorsed Hillary yesterday. At a rally with former President Bill Clinton, she explained why Hillary is her choice: "Hillary Clinton has been standing up for women and families throughout her long career in public service. She is the candidate who best understands the issues facing Montana families." Read more.
Health Care For All: At a campaign stop at Dennis Jones’ Farms in Bend, SD, Hillary pledged that she would fight for quality, affordable universal health care for all South Dakotans and all Americans: “I believe we need a plan that's not going to leave anybody out.”
Read More.
If You Read One Thing Today: "NARAL Pro-Choice America affiliates in key swing and primary states are openly distancing themselves from the decision…to endorse Illinois Sen. Barack Obama over Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton to be the Democratic nominee for president."
Read more.
On Tap in KY: Hillary will campaign in the Bluegrass State this Saturday, May 17.

The pathetic NARAL endorsed Barack. I'll hold my thoughts and participate in a feature on that for Third this weekend.

This is C.I.'s "Iraq snapshot" for Friday:

Friday, May 16, 2008. Chaos and violence continue, an important DVD is released next week, what's up with Chalabi now, and more.

Starting with war resistance as
Iraq Veterans Against the War noted yesterday (text, video)

Good afternoon. My name is Sgt. Matthis Chiroux, and I served in the Army as a Photojournalist until being honorable discharged last summer after over four years of service in Afghanistan, Japan, Europe and the Phillipines. As an Army journalist whose job it was to collect and filter servicemember's stories, I heard many stomach-churning testimonies of the horrors and crimes taking place in Iraq. For fear of retaliation from the military, I failed to report these crimes, but never again will I allow fear to silence me. Never again will I fail to stand. In February, I received a letter from the Army ordering my return to active duty, for the purpose of mobilization for Operation Iraqi Freedom. Thanks in great part to the truths of war being fearlessly spoken by my fellow IVAW members, I stand before you today with the strength, clarity and resolve to declare to the military and the world that this Soldier will not be deploying to Iraq. This occupation is unconstitutional and illegal and I hereby lawfully refuse to participate as I will surely be a party to war crimes. Furthermore, deployment in support of illegal war violates all of my core values as a human being, but in keeping with those values, I choose to remain in the United States to defend myself from charges brought by the Army if they so wish to pursue them. I refuse to participate in the occupation of Iraq.

IVAW includes a link to an online donations form that people can select "legal fund" from and notes that is the address to express support to Matthis Chiroux. (That's thankyoumathhis at ).

As for those war resisters who are in Canada need support as well as they wait to see if the motion for safe harbor is going to come to the Parliament floor. You can utilize the following e-mails to show your support: Prime Minister Stephen Harper ( -- that's pm at who is with the Conservative party and these two Liberals, Stephane Dion ( -- that's Dion.S at who is the leader of the Liberal Party and Maurizio Bevilacqua ( -- that's Bevilacqua.M at who is the Liberal Party's Critic for Citizenship and Immigration. In addition Jack Layton, NDP leader, has a contact form and they would like to hear from people as well. A few more addresses can be found here at War Resisters Support Campaign. For those in the US, Courage to Resist has an online form that's very easy to use.

There is a growing movement of resistance within the US military which includes Matthis Chiroux, Richard Droste, Michael Barnes, Matt Mishler, Josh Randall, Robby Keller, Justiniano Rodrigues, Chuck Wiley, James Stepp, Rodney Watson, Michael Espinal, Matthew Lowell, Derek Hess, Diedra Cobb,
Brad McCall, Justin Cliburn, Timothy Richard, Robert Weiss, Phil McDowell, Steve Yoczik, Ross Spears, Peter Brown, Bethany "Skylar" James, Zamesha Dominique, Chrisopther Scott Magaoay, Jared Hood, James Burmeister, Jose Vasquez, Eli Israel, Joshua Key, Ehren Watada, Terri Johnson, Clara Gomez, Luke Kamunen, Leif Kamunen, Leo Kamunen, Camilo Mejia, Kimberly Rivera, Dean Walcott, Linjamin Mull, Agustin Aguayo, Justin Colby, Marc Train, Abdullah Webster, Robert Zabala, Darrell Anderson, Kyle Snyder, Corey Glass, Jeremy Hinzman, Kevin Lee, Mark Wilkerson, Patrick Hart, Ricky Clousing, Ivan Brobeck, Aidan Delgado, Pablo Paredes, Carl Webb, Stephen Funk, Blake LeMoine, Clifton Hicks, David Sanders, Dan Felushko, Brandon Hughey, Logan Laituri, Jason Marek, Clifford Cornell, Joshua Despain, Joshua Casteel, Katherine Jashinski, Dale Bartell, Chris Teske, Matt Lowell, Jimmy Massey, Chris Capps, Tim Richard, Hart Viges, Michael Blake, Christopher Mogwai, Christian Kjar, Kyle Huwer, Wilfredo Torres, Michael Sudbury, Ghanim Khalil, Vincent La Volpa, DeShawn Reed and Kevin Benderman. In total, at least fifty US war resisters in Canada have applied for asylum.
Information on war resistance within the military can be found at
The Objector, The G.I. Rights Hotline [(877) 447-4487], Iraq Veterans Against the War and the War Resisters Support Campaign. Courage to Resist offers information on all public war resisters. In addition, VETWOW is an organization that assists those suffering from MST (Military Sexual Trauma).

As noted yesterday, the Congressional Progressive Caucus, chaired by Lynn Woolsey, Maxine Waters and Barbara Lee, and featured veterans offering testimony Thursday -- Iraq Veterans Against the War. The hearing was broadcast on CSPAN and KPFA (click here for KPFA's archived broadcast) and at Aaron Glantz' website The War Comes Home. Earlier (in March) Iraq Veterans Against the War held their Winter Soldier Investigation and it was broadcast at War Comes Home, at KPFK, at the Pacifica Radio homepage and at KPFA, here for Friday, here for Saturday, here for Sunday with Aimee Allison (co-host of the station's The Morning Show and co-author with David Solnit of Army Of None) and Aaron Glantz anchoring Pacifica's live coverage. (It was also broadcast at the IVAW site.) Allison and Glantz also hosted a live report on KPFA about the lawsuit against the VA on April 22nd. We'll focus on the second half of the first panel (which should get us through the second hour) and it was during this portion, after the veterans had offered their testimonies, that co-chair Maxine Waters first spoke and we'll pick up with this section.

US House Rep Maxine Waters: I have often wondered as I have read accounts of killings in Iraq of civilians, where they are described to us in the newspaper as 'some attack' or 'some killings' that have been executed because 'suspected terrorists' or 'suspected this' or suspected 'that'. And when I see women and children and civilians be killed, I often wonder who are those people? No one will ever be able to know what the true story is and they have nobody to stand up for them to say that they are innocent, that they are guilty of on crime. They just get killed and they die and that's it. And I wonder often times about those families and those children that we see getting killed in ways that you described here this morning. Mr. Goldsmith I want you to know I am so moved by your testimony that you had the courage to come here today and share with us what you have shared and say "This is how I thought a long time ago but that's not who I am today." That is very powerful, that is very moving. And I had to be contained up here by my leader . . . I just wanted to stand up and applaud and she said "Just be cool because we want to honor everybody in a special way."

US House Rep Waters was directing her last statements to Kristofer Goldsmith who testified last on the panel. Goldsmith presentation included visual slides. Juxtaposed were photos of him in uniform after completing basic training and him as a young child dressed up in a military uniform. He discussed specifically what his motivation was prior to deployment: to kill Iraqis, to kill Muslims. He spoke of the transformation he'd gone through -- which was what Waters was noting. He spoke of Sadr City (which will pick up at a later time) and, with time running out, noted US Senator and presumed GOP presidential nominee John McCain's opposition to the GI Bill US Senator Jim Webb is proposing. He said it wouldn't apply to him because he was he dishonorably discharged for attempting suicide so he wouldn't receive the benefit (due to the classification of the discharge) but it was sorely needed. Goldsmith would also note how telling his story was theraputic and how there are those who aren't able to tell their own stories: "It is very hard for us to find the courage to come up here and I would like to thank you again for hearing us."

US House Rep Maxin Waters: I don't like to make committments that I'm not sure I can follow or carry out but you're going to get your GI Bill, you're going to go to college.

Kristofer Goldsmith: Thank you.

US House Rep Maxine Waters: I want to tell you here and today that I'm on it, I'm focused. I don't know what I have to do but I'm going to get it. You're going to get it. I'm going to make that committment to you today. And whoever's standing in our collective way because, I know, that my collegues here share in my feelings about this. They [those opposed such as McCain] better get out of the way because we're going to get it. You have to have it. You must have it. And I'm so glad that you did not take you life, that it did not work. And I want you to know that no matter the disappointment, no matter the lies, no matter the experiences, there's some people here [in Congress] who believe in you, some people who are going to continue to fight to bring our soldiers home and some people here will stand up and fight for you no matter what the obstacles are. And I just wish you all would just defy this leader [Lynn Woolsey] and give him and everybody a big round of applause.

Rep Waters was referring to Rep Woolsey's explanation that this was a hearing and they would need to hold their applause. Also speaking was US House Rep Sheila Jackson-Lee who expressed her gratitude towards Kelly Dougherty for using her "anguish" to motivate greater change. Dougherty, who introduced the witnesses of the first panel, is an Iraq War veteran and the executive director of IVAW, the organization she co-founded. Jackson-Lee cited the testimonies and the need to end the illegal war.

US House Rep Sheila Jackson-Lee: And I feel a sense of urgency. I will leave the mike for a moment to go to the [House] floor to take some of the points you've made to offer them in my opposition to the war and what will be my vote to against any more funding for the war in Iraq. We made a personal committment that we will never vote for another cent. Sometimes we're blindsided. Sometimes they sneak it in or sneak it around. We try to be Sherlock Holmes and to find it and make sure we do not cast our vote. What I think I heard from Mr. Goldsmith was that there was this stop-loss policy of Secretary [Donald] Rumsfeld and I think that what I've heard from my constituents that a general discharge -- in fact I think we heard that yesterday, about a general discharge -- now blocks everyone from their education benefits. So let me join with Congresswoman Waters to say this has to be fixed. Morphed. Refined. Distinguished. So that individuals who have for causes, for reasons, for tragedies, found themselves under this particular discharge do not have to suffer anymore. Let me also very quickly say that you are creating a movement. It pains me to hear that you are representing those who are shouting in the darkness. So maybe as we have had and I know that you have gathered but those hundreds of thousands need to hear our voice. Let us welcome them to Washington. Let's bring 100,000 of your members to Washington and let's call the roll on members of Congress to come and tell them why this war continues. I think frankly that should be the challenge today.

Along with explaining what needs to happen to pressure Congress into action (those weren't pie-in-the-sky words, she was offering serious advice), Rep Jackson Lee noted that the Act of Congress by which the illegal war was 'justified' has expired and referenced her own bill. The title of that bill is
Military Success in Iraq and Diplomatic Surge for National and Political Reconciliation in Iraq Act of 2007. It notes that the Military Force Against iraq Resolution has expired and calls for the "Withdrawal of Armed Forces and Contractor Security Forces From Iraq -- Not later than October 1, 2007 or 90 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, whichever shall occur first". It was referred to two House committees (Committee on Armed Services and Committee on Foreign Affairs) in February of last year. It remains in committee. The bill itself and Rep Jackson Lee's remarks at the hearing Thursday argues that US service members have done all that was asked of them and that it is time to withdrawal ("You have done everything we asked you to, Saddam Hussein is not there . . .").

As the first panel wound down, Rep Lynn Woolsey asked the witnesses to share how they dealt with their own grief. Jason Lemieux explained that after he returned from Iraq he sought PTSD counseling in Florida which was ended, not by his choice, when the counselor transferred/rotated. Today his focus is on attempting "to right to write as much as I can the wrongs I have done". Scott Ewing spoke of his work with IVAW and his academic work of providing him with a sense of direction and purpose. Kristofer Goldsmith explained his own history which included self-medicating with alcohol early on. He noted that seeking help at the VA requires waiting and waiting and waiting some more due to the long, long backup at the VA. In February, things improved for him when he was contacted by IVAW and began sharing his story with others. Geoffrey Millard noted that he puts on his black (IVAW) t-shirt every day: "I get to wake up every morning, put on that black t-shirt and work to bring the troops home, take care of them when they get home and make sure that Iraqis receive reperations. That is what keeps me going, gets my head off the pillow, every morning".

Rep Woolsey thanked them but noted that in terms of obligations and debt, "Moral debt belongs up here [Congress]. We thank you, you did the job you were hired to do . . . and you did it the best you could. The moral debt belongs to us."

Had the hearings received any significant media attention, that was the moment that should have been played. Woolsey was against the Iraq War before it started and has repeatedly called for an end and taken action to end it. But there was a member of Congress stating very clearly that the government held the moral debt. (Think of the Richard Clarke moment at the 9-11 hearings.) It was needed and it's to her credit (and her strength) that she made the statement.

Turning to Iraq,
Nancy A. Youssef, Leila Fadel and Warren P. Strobel (McClatchy Newspapers) report that CIA asset Ahmad Chalabi is apparently again on the outs with the US and they quote a "senior military official" saying: "That's it. He's out." Thug, would be dictator and journalist-go-to-guy Chalabi has been repeatedly counted out and always surfaced again. This time he is supposedly on the outs with puppet of the occupation Nouri al-Maliki and supposedly to close to Iran (the latter charges have repeatedly dogged Chalabi in the last few years) but he denies he's any closer to the Iranian government than is al-Maliki.

Turning to some of today's reported violence . . .


Sahar Issa (McClatchy Newspapers) reports 2 Baghdad roadside bombings that claimed 1 life and left five wounded and a Falluja car bombing that claimed the life of "1 baby, six months old" and left seven people (including a two-month-old baby) wounded.


Sahar Issa (McClatchy Newspapers) reports Sadr City hospital personnel have seen 2 deaths and eleven people wounded as a result of the ongoing fighting in the US-led assault on Sadr City and, outside Falluja, 1 police officer shot and in critical condition.


Sahar Issa (McClatchy Newspapers) reports 4 corpses discovered in Baghdad and 1 in Sirwan Lake.

On a different topic. Every year many, many movies are released. Most will never speak to anyone. A few will have a quality (a performance, a director's gaze, etc.) that will make it worthy of at least one viewing. Some should be firmly embraced because they are that important, that well done and that necessary. Molly Bingham and Steve Connors' amazing documentary
Meeting Resistance, available on DVD Tuesday (May 20th) is one that deserves to be embraced and has been in limited theartical showings. These are excerpts from the press release:

"Meeting Resistance," is about the people and make-up of the Iraqi resistance. Since it was released in theaters last fall, we have shown the film in more than 80 U.S. cities, as well as to several key military audiences. We've made more than 200 appearances with the film to talk about our understanding of the conflict in Iraq and take questions from the audience. When the lights come up, we are greeted with the kind of silence associated with people trying to reconcile what they thought they knew with what they now understand. We've come to realize that our film is delivering a paradigm shift about the Iraq conflict--one audience at a time. There are two wars in Iraq. "Meeting Resistance" explores the first war, the popularly supported resistance to occupation, which contains the majority of the organized violence that is happening in Iraq. Using primary source material, critical analysis and cross-referencing, we crafted a film that tells the story of that conflict. The second war is the civil war--an internal political struggle being waged over competing visions of Iraq's future, of which the country's sectarian violence is a symptom, not a cause. "Meeting Resistance" is a journalistic documentary, not an advocacy or polemic film. Although we did not set out to challenge the narrative of the Iraq conflict--the one that has been constructed in Washington--our reporting eventually led us to do so. U.S. military's briefings in the Green Zone during 2003 and 2004 told journalists that the violence against American troops came from "dead-enders" and "Ba'athi die-hards," from common criminals, religious extremists, foreign fighters, and al-Qaeda--characterized as "fringe elements". While some might fit some of these descriptions, the vast majority of those involved are citizens from the core of Iraqi society. In time, we came to see the U.S. military's misnaming of the "enemy" as an intentional act--as a key part of their objective to control the "information battle space." They aspire to control the perception of the enemy's identity, and through the news media persuade the American public that these "fringe elements" of Iraqi society are the only ones who oppose the U.S. presence in Iraq. A military push (or surge) to isolate and eliminate them would accomplish a perceived "victory." The National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq delivered to the White House in October 2003 was leaked in February 2006 by Robert Hutchings, the 2003-2005 chairman of the National Intelligence Council. Speaking in interviews, Hutchings revealed that the report said that it is composed of nationalists fighting for their country with deep roots in the society and that the U.S. military, if it remains in Iraq, will be fighting a counterinsurgency war for years to come, a conclusion that echoed what we had found in our on-the-ground reporting for "Meeting Resistance." If the predominant narrative about the Iraq conflict was truly based in reality, it would involve pointing out that the majority of Iraqis want a withdrawal of all foreign forces, and that the Department of Defense's quarterly reports to Congress, on average, show that from April 2004 to December 2007, 74 % of significant attacks initiated by Iraqis targeted U.S.-led coalition forces. Americans would also find out that half of registered marriages in Baghdad in 2002 were mixed marriages between Sunni and Shia, Kurd and Arab, Christian and Muslim, and many of the tribes and clans and families are, in fact, mixed between Sunni and Shia. Also, nearly all of the Arab Iraqis polled oppose dividing the country along ethnic and sectarian lines, and the vast majority demands that Iraq have a strong central government, not the decentralized powerlessness imposed by the American-influenced constitution. It is not that these points have never been reported, but the booming voice of "disinformation"--from which the Pentagon wants the American public to view the conflict--drowns much of this information out. Ultimately, our film has helped reveal the success of the Pentagon's strategy to obscure the real nature of the war in Iraq. Unfortunately, too many in the news media have been willing to allow that to happen. Throughout the world's history, there have been occupations--and resistance to those occupations. Why then do Americans have such a difficult time grasping that our troops are unwelcome by the vast majority of the Iraqi population? And why has reporting by our mainstream news media generally failed to recognize and draw our attention to this central, core aspect of the violence? Steve Connors and Molly Bingham are directors of "Meeting Resistance." Their film is distributed by First Run Features and available on DVD May 20th.

Changing topics again. Independent journalist, photo-journalist and artist
David Bacon examines and explores the issues of immigrant rights frequently. At the Americas Program,
Bacon notes the massive rallies, marches and demonstrations for immigration rights in 2006 and 2007: "Yet today the federal government is taking actions that make holding a job a criminal act. Some states and local communities, seeing a green light from the Department of Homeland Security, are passing measures that go even further. These actions need a reality check." That should have been noted last Friday but time ran out. There's another piece I'd like to note but can't find. We'll grab it Friday and remember at Bacon's site, you have text and photos.

Turning to the US presidential race, Hillary Clinton is asking for your help: "
Tell the Democratic National Committee to count the votes of Florida and Michigan." As Texas Darlin ( notes, Hillary's not losing and the calls of "Get out!" are coming about for just that fact. Jeralyn (TalkLeft) reports on a conference call with Hillary: "The number one message: It's the math not the map. In addition to the popular vote, the electoral map shows her with a cushion and Obama with a deficit. She has won 311 electoral votes to Obama's 217. While a few of her's like Texas and Oklahoma will be a challenge in November, many of his states will be: Alaska, Idaho, Utah, to name a few."

aaron glantz